June has been full of emotions for me, I’ve been excited, exhausted, nervous, ecstatic, sad, relieved, lonely and surprised, in no particular order.

Speaking at Alt Summit was very nerve-wracking for me, I promise, I’ll expand on my experience in a post soon. And then maybe the biggest news since I started this blog, I got engaged to my boyfriend of eight years! He had to leave the day after to travel for work for 5 months, so that’s a bummer but I’m super excited and of course, started a Pinterest board immediately (well, a few, I can’t lie to y’all)!

And remember my Vacation Dreaming post? Well, my dreams are coming true! While I didn’t win a vacation, my travel plans did work out, so next week I’ll be heading to Spain then France (whoa, mini freak out) to work from abroad for three weeks! I’m so thankful that I can pack up my computer and work from anywhere. It’s going to be challenging but I can’t wait for the adventure!

Plus lot’s of great stuff happened on the blog and around the web:
– Hosted two Made In Mind events, an Etsy craft party and a Letterpress Workshop
– Opened pre-sales for The Meetup Guide – only a few days left of pre-sale pricing!
– I guest posted on Design Sponge on How To Hold a Networking Event
– The lovely Kory wrote a review on The Meetup Guide, you can read it here.
– Backyard Tin Can Fence Garden
– Summertime Freebies
– DIY Gold Toy Animal Globes
– The Business Cards of Alt Summit 2014
– Remember Greco Design Company from May? Well Lori has been up to a lot this month too! Her blog is full of awesome backyard DIYs so go check it out!

Oh my goodness!!! Congratulations on your engagement Ciera. So exciting. I love all your other news (Europe travels, Alt) but getting engaged is the tops! I hope you enjoy all the planning and celebrating to come.
Thank you!!! SO much happening haha, trying to make sure I enjoy it all rather than letting it overwhelm me!