While I’m sorting through and editing hundreds of photos from my Maine road trip I thought I would share this with you guys. My desk was illustrated by the very talented Ned Harrison for the Spring Issue of the Graphic Artists Guild newsletter! When I received the proof I couldn’t stop smiling ear to ear, I was giddy and speechless and couldn’t believe what a wonderful job Ned did!

Welcome to my workspace, a desk in the attic. For me, a cluttered space equals a cluttered mind. So I try to keep my workspace a neat and inspirational place to be. Everyday it starts out neat but ends in a mess. Before heading downstairs for the night, I straighten it up to have a fresh space for the morning!

You can see some others he has done here, they are all really cool!
How cool! It would take him forever to sketch my desk…it doesn’t exactly get cleaned up at the end of each day…LOL 🙂
Oh joy! 🙂
Now, that is cool!
This is too cool! I love the style!