This post contains affiliate links which means I may receive a small commission, at no cost to you, if you make a purchase through a link. I personally use this site for decorative and special fonts.

If you’re font obsessed like me, you’re going to want to check out this resource…
Have y’all ever heard of the site FontBundles?
If not, here’s the rundown of what they offer…
- tons of FREE fonts with new releases each week
- font bundles, which are super discounted groupings of popular fonts available only for a limited time
- design element bundles, which are super discounted groupings of design elements available only for a limited time
Their current font bundle is one of my favorite themes, which is a group of their best selling fonts: The Best Sellers Font Bundle Volume V.
If you love fonts and love saving money at the same time – it’s the place to be. FontBundles was born out of the notion that premium fonts can cost a fortune on their own and sometimes for small biz owners, designers and crafters on a budget they are not always accessible.
Each time a new font bundle is born you will find them on this page. There are so many other good deals too, just click around, it’s almost too good to be true.
P.S. Did I mention that The Best Sellers Font Bundle Volume V (a $509 value) is only $32 for 40 of the best-selling fonts from designers all around the world?
I would like to buy these fonts. Is it available now? Please let me know. Awaiting for your kind response.
these are some cool fonts i would love to try that second one .
Cool!! ❤️