Lately, I’m finding it so easy to get pulled in a million different directions and distracted by a bunch of things that don’t really matter. I want to try to be more intentional in my day-to-day so I created this design as a little reminder to myself. This month my goal is to make each day as useful and as positive as possible. Not to sit and wait for tomorrow to come and make everything right. What you do today is all that matters. Life is short, and we only have one life to live, so let’s make it count!

This design is now available for free as a desktop and iphone wallpaper over on the Whimseybox blog! Hope you enjoy and if you use any of my desktop designs, I’d love to see photos, just tag me on Instagram or send me an email!

Whimseybox is the original subscription for DIY and craft lovers. Each month WhimseyBox sends subscribers a box full of craft projects along with a project idea. If you sign up through this link, you’ll get $5 off! photograph via