I recently attended a wonderful event hosted by the Boston Graphic Artists Guild. The presentation discussed resources needed to start or expand your own business without the hassle of spending money! Justin Perricone, a freelance graphic designer, walked us through finding the free stuff, how to get the most for your money (assuming you even spend any) and where it can’t hurt to spend a few bucks.

Justin went through step by step and gave us links and examples of specific resources that he has used. He even gave us an hour by hour timeline on how to set up a new business in a weekend!

- The basics:
- 1 – Gmail Account: you can have any account forward to gmail
- 2 – Google Docs and/or Open Office
- 3 – Set up a Pay Pal account and get squareup.com
- 4 – Get an Employer ID Number (EIN)
- 5 – Business Bank Account
- 6 – Accounting: Curdbee, Slimtimer, bit.ly/easysheet
- 7 – Google Voice: separate local phone number and customized messages
- 8 – Website: wordpress or coroflot
- 9 – Business Cards: Overnight Prints, 48hourprint
- 10 – Marketing: Use mailchimp for newsletters
and if that wasn’t enough, Justin also started a Free in Freelance blog where he posts all kinds of awesome deals like free stock photos, domains for $1, dirt cheap bussiness cards and free magazine subscriptions!
Images click through for credit.