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Why Small Businesses and Bloggers Need Private Cloud Storage

Why Small Businesses and Bloggers Need Private Cloud Storage

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October 21, 2014

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  1. wow..finally i found something useful after lot of search.thanks uploading this.i shall used this method.

  2. Julie Harris says:

    This is the third post I’ve seen discussing the EX2 this week! Talk about social proof for a product. I have always been pretty hesitant about the whole “cloud” concept. The idea never felt very personal or secure…

    I’ve been using some of the other more trusted “cloud-like” companies, Google Drive and Drop box, but the idea of having a wireless, private, secure back-up system is really inciting. And no longer having to pay a monthly fee for storage is definitely a plus!

    When sharing files with others, do they have to create an “account” to access it? Or is it delivered like Dropbox, allowing easy access just to that one folder?

    I checked out the link you shared and WD also makes a smaller version (4 TB) called the “My Cloud” that looks like a good fit for anyone who can’t afford the EX2 but still needs a secure storage system they can easily access.

    Awesome review! Thank you!

    • Ciera says:

      Hey Julie,

      I haven’t tried it yet but when you send a link and the recipient clicks it I think it downloads the files automatically, they don’t need an account or don’t see any interface…

      And yes, they have lots of different options which is great! Can’t wait to keep using it and experience ALL the benefits!

  3. María says:

    This looks gorgeous. Especially, the iPhone case!!
    Lots of love, xx

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I'm so glad you're here, stick around, there's so much to see, xo Ciera


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