I'm so glad you're here, stick around, there's so much to see, xo Ciera


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Planning & Accomplishing Your Goals

If you have ever felt the pain of a good goal gone bad, here is a three-step process you can follow to easily plan and accomplish virtually anything.

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January 2, 2013

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  1. Meg says:

    Ooooh, I have a weakness for gorgeous calendars and planners! This is just so lovely 🙂

  2. I would love to win a calendar so that I can organize my household, business and family life. My lifestyle, and cluttered mind both need revamping, this would help. LOL.

  3. Meg says:

    Because I am super unorganized! 🙂

  4. Kate says:

    That’s awesome! I’ve been thinking that a calendar that showed more of the bigger picture would be really helpful for me- I’d love to win this!

  5. monika says:

    So many exciting things happening this year! I NEED this calendar to help me see the big picture, and stay focused on the big items. So pretty too!

  6. Stacey says:

    I am such an old school person, I totally need tactile things

  7. Mariah says:

    This calendar is amazing – what a wonderful giveaway! I have a blank wall in my office that I want to fill soon, and this would be the perfect addition!

  8. Laura says:

    I’ve always loved organization, especially in the desk-studying area. The right stationery, all the post-its and the schedules help me to stay focused and to achieve my goals without wondering too much. This calendar seems the perfect solution to plan and live big setting important goals to achieve with small steps every month.
    I love this blog..and this giveaway!Happy new year!

  9. Nancy says:

    I have been looking for a dry-erase office calendar, but have been putting off getting one! I would love to win this. Right now, i have clear cut (yet general) goals, and am approaching them week by week.

  10. I need the calendar to help keep my various plates spinning! Two Etsy shops, back in college, plus a house that needs work, and a husband to hang out with. Having the whole year visible will be great for planning ahead!

  11. erin aka eef says:

    I need the calendar to help me organize both of my businesses, wedding, and anything else that pops up!

  12. Christina says:

    This seems like a great calendar! Seeing the whole year at once would make it great for anyone to plan long term goals. I am trying to lose weight and plan for WLS and I think this calendar would help me out a lot!

  13. Angie says:

    Oh, this is a fabulous guide, Ciera!!! You write so well, so easy to understand and everything you said made so much sense. I am a h-u-g-e goal planner, so I can’t wait to take your advice and run with it. Fast! 😀

    I also love this giveaway!

    Jen and I need this calender because we don’t even have a calender for 2013 yet – which is rare for us, and we have huge, beautiful goals for this new year. Keeping track of them can be hard, I think this calender would help. A LOT.

  14. Patti says:

    I am a calendar freak! I do not have any one like this though.

  15. What I like about the calendar is that it looks so big and spacious… lots of room to fill in all of the things that we’re doing.

  16. Cara says:

    This is insanely awesome. I am a HUGE organizer and multi-tasker, and would absolutely LOVE to see all of the months laid out in front of me at once to see when I’m going on trips, what types of things are needed for work and by what dates, everything. Life is CRAZY and this would help abundantly!!!

  17. Shannon Sampsel says:

    I need this calendar for 2013 bc my life seems to just get busier and busier, and being organized is one of my new goals of 2013!

  18. morgan says:

    as the saying goes, the grass is always greener. I would say we all have a lot to accomplish this year, but from the looks of it, Ciera, you’ve got it all figured out. nice work, girl! great post!

  19. Suz says:

    LOVE this!! I really want 2- one for work and one for home!

  20. Amy says:

    Great giveaway Ciera! I would totally use this calendar to help organize and plan out blog posts!

  21. Helen says:

    I have so many exciting plans for this year, plus about 3000 weddings to go too! Having this calender would really help me plan my time.

  22. Bridgette says:

    seeing the whole year at a glance would help me plan ahead for work and help me plan ahead for great weekend getaways!

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I'm so glad you're here, stick around, there's so much to see, xo Ciera


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